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Landscape  Planning & Design

Cultural &  Natural Heritage Conservation



Doctoral  Degree in Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, 2003

Master Degree  in Urban Planning & Design, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1991

Bachelor  Degree in Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1989


Assistant  Professor (08/1991-08/1993) School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

Lecturer  (08/1993-10/1998) School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China

Associate  Professor (08/1998- 12/2003) School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

Professor  (12/2003- Present) Chair of Department of LA (12/2008-Present) School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China

Visiting  Scholar (12/97-12/98) Graduate School of Design, Harvard  University, USA



2008- ,  Tourism Planning and Design for Mount Longquanshan Area, Chengdu City,  Sichuan Province (Team Leader)

2007- 2009,  Tourism Planning and Design for Mount Longmenshan Area, Chengdu City,  Sichuan Province (Team Leader)

2007-2009, the  General Management Plan for Temple of Heaven (World Cultural Heritage),  Beijing (Team Leader)

2007-2009, the  General Management Plan for Altar of Land and Grain, Beijing (Team  Leader)

2005-, The  11th National Five-year Plan for Protecting National Natural and  Cultural Heritage (Head of Draftsmen)

2004-, General  Management Plan for Mount Wutai National Park (Team Leader)

2004- ,  General Plan for the Protected Area System of Beijing, China (Team  Leader)

2002-, General  Management Plan for Mount Huangshan Mixed World Heritage Site, China  ((Project Director)

2001-2002,  General Management Plan for Meili Snow Mountains National Park, China  (Project Director)

2000,  Strategies Plan for Mountains and Lakes Area of Anhui Province, China  (National Expert invited by the World Tourism Organization)

2000-2001,  General Management Plan for Jingbo National Park, Helongjiang Province,  China (Project Director)

1999-, General  Plan for Taishan Mixed World Heritage Site, Shandong Province, China  (Project Director)

1999-, Action  Plan to Build a National Park and Protected Area System in the  North-western Region of Yunnan Province, China (Executive Project  Director)

1996 -1997,  Campus Planning for the Tsinghua University, Beijing (Main Member)

1994 -1996,  Planning on the Three Gorges Scenic Area, Hubei Province (Project  Director)

1994 -1996,  Detailed Planning on the Yalong Bay National Recreation Area, Hainan  Province (Project Director)

1994 -1995,  Planning and Design on the Rushan Seashore Recreation Area, Shandong  Province (Project Director)

1994, Planning  and Design on the Baihualing Province Park, Hainan Province (Project  Director)

1993, Master  Planning on the Jianfengling National Forest Park, Hainan Province  (Project Director)

1992 -1994,  Master Planning on the Yalong Bay National Recreation Area, Hainan  Province (Main Member)

1991 -1992,  Landscape Planning on the Riverfront between Summer Palace and Sisa Lake  / Yuyuan Lake, Beijing (Main Member)

1991, Master  Planning for Shi Qiaozi New Town, Liaoning Province, China (Main Member)




An  Introduction of Landscape Architecture (90 students in Autumn Semester)


Landscape  Planning Studio (20 students in Spring Semester)




National  Workshop on the Tentative List of World Natural and Mixed Heritage,  Beijing, China (17th-18th Jan. 2009)

International  Workshop on Better Management of World Natural Heritage, Jeju, South  Korea ( 6th- 9th Nov, 2008)

World Heritage  Visitor Management Workshop, Yellow Stone National Park, USA (May, 2008)

International  Expert Meeting on World Heritage and Buffer Zones, Davos, Switzerland  (Mar. 11-14, 2008)

International  Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management at World Heritage Sites  (Mar. 24-27,2008)

International  Symposium on Sustainable Tourism, Akita, Japan (13th-18th February,  2008)

44th IFLA 2007  World Congress, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia (27th-31th August, 2007)

2006 ASLA  Annual Meeting/43rd IFLA World Congress, Minneapolis, USA (6th-9th  October, 2006)

BECOMING  LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN THE XXI CENTURY Second International Symposium on  the Architectural Education, Rome University, Italy (June, 2006)

Seminar for  Tourism Planning at Major World Heritage Archaeological Sites, Alhambra,  Spain (19th-23rd February, 2006)

2005  Ecotourism Australia 13th National Conference, Tasmania, Australia (28th  November-December 2sd, 2005)

3rd IUCN World  Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, (17-25 November 2004)

5th World  Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa (12-13 September 2003)

UNESCO  Workshop for the Regional Synthesis Periodic Reports In Hanoi (20-23Jan.  2003)

Virtual  Congress:World Heritage in the Digital Age,Beijing, China (15-17  October, 2002)

Social organization

Executive  Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

Associate  Editor of <Chinese Landscape Arhitecture>



1.    YANG Rui, ZHUANG Youbo,  LUO Tingting: Buffer Zone and Community Issues of Mount Huangshan World  Heritage Site, China, International Expert Meeting on World Heritage and  Buffer Zones, Davos, Switzerland (Mar. 11-14, 2008)

2.   YANG Rui, ZHUANG Youbo:  Minimize Negative Tourism Impact in Chinese National Parks:Case Study On  Mt. Huangshan National Park, Proceedings of International Conference on  Sustainable Tourism Management at World Heritage Sites (Mar. 24-27,2008)

3.   YANG Rui, ZHUANG Youbo:  From Mt. Tai To Mt. Huang: Case Studies of GMPs for Chinese WHs,  Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Tourism  Management at World Heritage Sites (Mar. 24-27,2008)

4.   WU Dong-fan, YANG Rui:  Problems and Suggestions for the Conservation and Tourism Development of  World Heritage Site - The Great Wall of China, Chinese Landscape  Architecture, 2008-05

5.   YANG,Rui etc: Building  Harmony Among Resource Protection, Tourism, and Communinity Development-  General Management Plan of Meili Snow Mountain National Park, Virtual  Congress:World Heritage in the Digital Age,2002/10, Beijing

6.   YANG Rui, Zuo Xiaoping:  Issues and solutions: Tourism development at Mt. Taishan National Park,  WTO/UNEP International Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Islands  of the Asia-Pacific Region. Sanya, Hainan Province,China, 6-8 December  2000.

7.   YANG Rui: Improving the  park and Protected Area System in the North Western Region of Yunnan  Province. Paper for Conference on improving management of Natural and  Cultural Heritage Resources in China, 2000/12.

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